HomeNews Changes LDP Pustertal from 26.08.202126/08/2021The association board of the LAG Pustertal made adjustments and changes of the local development plan....continue Newsletter 2/202121 AugPromoting Staying, Coming and Returning8 JulNewsletter 1/202128 AprAnnual Report 202023 MarNewsletter 2/202020 DecLEADER - Call for Proposals 1st October 20201 OctÄnderungen zum LEP und Finanzplan offiziell genehmigt!3 SepChanges LDP Pustertal from 16.07.202021 JulLEADER - Call for Proposals 15th May 202015 Mayback 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 next all